I am not even going to even try the other nails. The others will stay a field of grass and a golden sky...
Just started, seeing as it's five hours and twenty-eight minutes into August. I've written about 2,500 words, all stories combined. 
I'm bored and don't want to write now, so I'm doing Camp WriMo nails!! 
I'll get a pic up when they're done. The grass is drying right now...
"Put Your Left Typing Hand In, Put Your Left Typing Hand Out, Put Your Left Typing Hand In, And You Shake It All About, Do The NaNoWriMo Dance And You Bang Your Head on the Keyboard Ceremonially, That’s What It’s All About. Yeah. Put Your Inner Editor In, Do Not Take Your Inner Editor Out, Do Not Pass Go, And You Shake It All About, Do The NaNoWriMo Dance And You Consume Large Amounts of Junk Food and Whine About Plot Bunnies, That’s What It’s All About. Yeah!"

It's amazing. And NaNoWriMo is going to kill me. I swear it!

Most people don't go because they don't really care. It's what they were raised with; their religion, and they don't really think beyond that.
I stopped believing in God when I was eight. I didn't like the blind faith that most of the people I knew had in Him. I had already gotten my First Communion, and my mom was still able to go to church (she can't physically go anymore), I would help her get there and wait outside because it felt wrong to be there when I didn't believe in Him in any way. Father Mike liked me, and once he noticed that I was there, just not coming in, he asked me why. I told him it was because I didn't like God the way people talk about it, that I didn't want to believe in something that says everyone is a sinner. Every mass after that he would let me stay in his office, and read the books he had on religion. Not just Christian or Catholic, but Judaism, Buddism, Islam, Wicca, Paganism, and a few others. I decided I liked Paganism best. I researched it for a few more years; I've been Pagan for five years.
Other people don't go because it's not in their religion, or they don't think they need a building to believe in God. Some people were forced to go as children, they they don't want to go now, or force their kids to go. Some people don't like sitting for an hour or more listening to someone talk.
Eight days into National Novel Writing Month, I still have less then Day One's 1,667 word total. It's pretty much pathetic.
I hit a wall, and it crumbled just a tad yesterday, and I've been writing; but not much.